Wednesday, January 2, 2008

dun be Fooled....

Dun be fooled by outward facade.. with regards to both man and ... photos in this case.

Look carefully...

1) DT ordered Canadian Pizza for Pixel Gala over the telephone. This was the receipt that came with the delivery.
Looks normal? Look again...
Instead of DT's name, it became Debbie.....with a "Mrs" ..
(which part of gladys sounds like debbie??)
2) The famous pig trotter in tampines...
A normal looking trotter, that is happily placed between Pooh Bear and Piglet...
Looks normal? Look again...
*horror* Look at the middle toe! Its a bruised trotter!
The result of the concentrated force of a weight that weighs between 45-55kg , pivoted on a single heel that came down on a poor little toe.....

3) Looks like a normal Season Greeting well-wishing card...
Look again...
It's the real signature!! wheeee!
Pst just wanted to thank us for giving him a scarf from BOSS for X'mas.
Dun be fooled...


Blogger t.r.i.n.i.t.y... said...

45-55?!?!! i am sure it has to be at least 60kg!

January 02, 2008 1:10 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well...not everyone is like you, ya know.. =)

January 02, 2008 1:58 AM 

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