Sunday, February 24, 2008
Realised it has been some time since i blogged.. haa.. well here's an update of my exciting life!!Nothing spectacular, but well you don't need the spectacular to enjoy your everyday, as long I'm walking with Him.. it's more than enough haa
I finally decided to upload the photos from my powDerful N95.. and this is a long overdue picture ha!
On the 3rd Lunar Day of CNY, we decided to have our Croaking Session at "10 dollar KTV". Although we wanted to croak from 7pm all the way to 1am, we were only allowed to croak till 10pm due to overwhelming frogs who wanted to croak during the CNY season.... *Ribbit*
So... we adjourn to Tian Tian Huo Guo for our steamboat at 11pm!

Oh pls, we ate like there was no tomorrow! We ate from 11pm to 1230am!! Several servings of Mutton, Beef.. neverending..
But, i spent the next day digesting... BURP.. =S
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