Saturday, January 19, 2008
powDerful Pok Pok
Welcome mR pOK POK!!!! yay !
This is pok pok! ( Eh it's the same series la, but just imagine a few scratches, some dents here and there, you'll get the real deal..ha)
only a Porsche.. chey..

The race took place on 17th Jan, on the track course between Lido to Gleneagles. Pok pok was happily taking us to Gleneagles to see handsome Jordan!
Pok Pok had to stop at the red light.. then a very "DAO" looking Porsche (Pors -CHEY? haa) stopped right beside Pok Pok. Hmmm.. we sensed some unfriendly vibes as the not-so-cool driver stared at the always-very-cool driver of Pok Pok, as if Pors -chey wanted to challenge Pok Pok.
Well, Pok Pok couldn't be bothered la.. so the light turned GREEN and Pors-chey ZOOMED ahead.. and we just POK-ED ahead.. and guess wat?!! We met again at the next traffic light.. how lame..
Anyway, we passed by several traffic lights and of cos Pors-chey zoomed ahead of Pok Pok. But we met AGAIN at the 4th traffic light junction. soooo lame.. (didn't he know that zoom-ing takes up more petrol than pok-ing? )
So as usual, Pok Pok thought Pors-chey will zoom ahead again.. but haa! Not this time.. the rain came pouring down and Mr Pors-chey had to stop at the next bus stop to scramble for the shelter ( Pors-chey had it's cover kept all along , how "smart")..
And we POK-ed ahead happily!! Wheeeee!
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