mAsk-querade! (Part B)
rEvealing of the Mask..
Contestant No 1
Ooooo... i simply love Doronko Clay Mask! Well, my mom bought it.. so i conveniently(
& swiftly) categorised it under "MINE" haa..
Told you i've been putting on a mask all along... hur hur
Contestant No 2
* pardon the red ink... i "coap" from someone else's blog and apparently the blogger wanna protect property.
Beauty of Garnier's Light whitening Infusion Mask
- intense whitening action
- soothing effect
- equals to 7 days of whitening care
- with Pure Lemon Essence + Vitamin C ( oooh, i can hear my skin screaming for joy!!)
- dermatologically tested
No wonder DT freaked out when she realised the
power of the Mask...
Intense whitening action..
equals to 7 days of whitening care...
Well DT wanna stay tan, so she's beginning to worry if this is the right product...
But like i told her... she looks tan... cos of her black heads!! haa!!
Here's why we should all celebrate( and use) the MAsk..
"The skin is the largest organ on the human body. It is extremely sensitive to external factors such as dirt, weather and also to internal factors such as stress. All these conditions have adverse effects on the skin. But all is not lost; these problems can be prevented with proper maintenance and care.
The skin produces millions of new cells a day, regenerating itself completely within 30-45 days. As age grows( DT , it's referring to you!) , the skin's natural rejuvenating processes begin to slow down. At this time the skin can benefit from a facial mask.
Treat yourself to a facial mask twice to thrice a week. Leave on for about thirty minutes and feel your skin rejuvenate. By using facial mask, you can maintain youthful, healthy looking skin.
The regular use of face masks can make you look young and radiant."
the Box & mOrnkey story
tAdah! The box
hur hur... yuan yuan so cute..
Our reunion.. mR yUan yUan and me !
wedding frenzy
It's 230am in the wee hours of the morning... and i just got home! Can't believe it, we (me, kimmy, mimi & siew) had toiled all night since 630pm, trying to complete 2 major items for Janice wedding(so exciting!!) . One was the box for the collection of ang paos and the other was a photo frame that the leaders wanted to give to Jan on the special day. Well, as i'm typing now, Mimi is still doing the final touch ups for the frame. Kudos to Mimi! ANyway, my day started out simple. Had no cg, so i had the luxury to wake up at 12.. hee. Well upon remembering that i've an exam M9 on the 4th Dec and i've barely started studying for it, i decided that i'll chill at Starbucks and start to mug... (Urgh!)Well i asked Glad along, decided to shop around first, relak relak.. Suddenly Glad received a call from Mimi, realised that she'll be working on the 2 items, together with siew and kimmy... so well, i decided to chap one kah to help.But it turned out to be the right decision! Well, we got our hands stucked on superglue..Watched Arnold star in some christmas shows while eating our KFC, yummy! .. took silly photos.. and of cos i had a reunion with somebody .. hurIn the end, my textbook remained in my bag.. untouched. Haiz..
mAsk-querade! (Part A)
Listen up ppl, we should all put on a mask! One of the greatest invention ever!!And i'm glad that GT has finally understood this important point ... Like i've said to her on that fateful day of enlightenment," Glad, i see a "brighter" future for your face. " Stay tune to find out what exactly i'm talking abt... hur hur hur
a special calling..
The joys of a cell group...
lies in its differences...
and in it's people...
Goodbye.. forever
I found out that a friend of mine had passed away recently. A friend i've known in my NTU days when we did a group project together. His death was sudden and he was so young.
A great future had awaited him.
We didn't keep in contact after graduation, but that friendship during the semester left a deep impression in me. He was always positive, warm and friendly. Someone whom you can trust and count on.
(I realised i still have his hp no stored in my phone.) In less than a year, i had to bid farewell to 2 of my friends who had journeyed with me in some parts of my life...
(To jeng kwang and eujin, thank you for your friendship..)Life is short. Treasure the people who has been a part of your life somehow, somewhere... because you never know if you will ever see them again.
As i read the rememberance blog for Eujin
(, i can't help but to feel the grief... of having to say goodbye.. forever.
I hope this would remind everyone, just like how it had reminded me of....
.... how small every anger, disappointments and discouragement can be ... ... how beautiful life can be... ...and how joyous every moment can be....
wHen I feel dRy
Eze 37The hand of the LORD came upon me and brought me out in the Spirit of the LORD, and set me down in the midst of the valley; and it was full of bones. Then He caused me to pass by them all around, and behold, there were very many in the open valley; and indeed they were very dry. And He said to me, “Son of man, can these bones live?”So I answered, “O Lord GOD, You know.” Again He said to me, “Prophesy to these bones, and say to them, ‘O dry bones, hear the word of the LORD! Thus says the Lord GOD to these bones: “Surely I will cause breath to enter into you, and you shall live. I will put sinews on you and bring flesh upon you, cover you with skin and put breath in you; and you shall live. Then you shall know that I am the LORD.”’” So I prophesied as I was commanded; and as I prophesied, there was a noise, and suddenly a rattling; and the bones came together, bone to bone.Indeed, as I looked, the sinews and the flesh came upon them, and the skin covered them over; but there was no breath in them. Also He said to me, “Prophesy to the breath, prophesy, son of man, and say to the breath, ‘Thus says the Lord GOD: “Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe on these slain, that they may live.”’” So I prophesied as He commanded me, and breath came into them, and they lived, and stood upon their feet, an exceedingly great army. Then He said to me, “Son of man, these bones are the whole house of Israel. They indeed say, ‘Our bones are dry, our hope is lost, and we ourselves are cut off!’ Therefore prophesy and say to them, ‘Thus says the Lord GOD: “Behold, O My people, I will open your graves and cause you to come up from your graves, and bring you into the land of Israel. Then you shall know that I am the LORD, when I have opened your graves, O My people, and brought you up from your graves. I will put My Spirit in you, and you shall live, and I will place you in your own land. Then you shall know that I, the LORD, have spoken it and performed it,” says the LORD.’”
Lately hidden issues have surfaced... and i've the privilege to be seating in the front row seats, watching them happen before my eyes.Am i Sad? definitely.. Am i Disappointed? Of cos.. Am i Exhausted? Yes.."Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful"Nonetheless, My hope is in Him. Problems will come, but problems will go too. A breakthrough is coming.. i can feel it.Nothing can distract me from the more important issue. Dun be distracted.
guest blogger entry #1
this is weiwei. she stays in little miss town and she is very clumsy. do you agree? *haha*
Evita! it's haunting me...
Opps.. woke up late for service today.. again. Kudos to Glad! who never fails to book seats for the zone!Last night, miss teo gave a tall order.. 1130 at night...Task:To look for the title of a song that includes the lyrics"Where do we go from here" Clues provided: It has "where do we go from here" in it... (how informative.. =s)miss teo, there are easily 100 over songs with these lyrics lor... but thanks to mr wang's wit and my intelligence, we found it. Chicken feet la.Lesson learnt: If you have a PI(private investigation) firm, do NOT accept miss teo as your client! Be warned! cos she won't provide much clues... hur hur
************************************************************************************Updates on my exciting dream last night...
I dreamt that i competed in some weird marathom cum adventure trail with hundred over people. This time round, i was the only one i recognize in the dream.
Well, the competition had me running through school canteens, on roads , going through dark long kangs, jumping off fences. I was pretty agile in the dream.. hee
i woke up before i could complete the race.. It was yet another ACTIVE dream...
When will i dream a relaxing dream???
i'm an Escapist..
Yes.. i'm an escapist... with a capital E. I would love to escape from ...Problems i hate to confront. Responsibilities i have to shoulder. Expectations that are beyond me. Mistakes that i've made.Right things that i've yet done... But i know i can't escape...The truth, the facts and the reality...harsh reality.... well perhaps i'm a scaddy cat.But of cos, I'll face it. I'll grow stronger. Give me time to overcome my fears.
zOe almighty??
Nope , i'm not trying to be God. I was just reminded of a show i watched some time back. i had a dream... turned out to be a physically exhausting one. I dreamt that i had a camp in NTU, me and a bunch of people. Well, for some reason Glady was there in the midst of the bunch of people. Perhaps SHE was the start of my nightmare ... hur hur... Suddenly, a dam from afar exploded! Powerful streams of water came gushing down , rushing towards our direction. Well, too bad i didn't have any superhuman powers in my dreams that allowed me to fly straight to the dam and stop the rushing water from killing Mankind. Otherwise it would definitely have been less tiring a dream...At this point, the sky darkened and rain started pouring. The bunch of us starting running frantically, searching for higher ground. For some reason, i dreamt i was the only one who knew how to lead the frantic group to safety, so i started to scream my lungs out in my dream:" Hurry up! This way! Quick!" My heart beat faster and panic set in. We ran as fast as we could. The lower grounds started to flood. Winds were blowing.Soon, we saw a brightly lit hotel in a near distance ( a hotel in NTU??). It was a TALL building. I saw a lift at the entrance and started shouting again, giving directions to the lift. We started running again!!! I was the first to reach the lift, press the button and the doors opened! PTL, the lift was expecting us! As i saw the flood approaching, I started waving, signalling , calling out to the slower few who hasn't reach the lift. My heart pounded very very fast. The lift brought us all to the top storey, which turned out to be a swimming pool. Oddly, there were ang mohs enjoying themselves in the pool and waiters bringing them their cocktails. Hmm.. well we waited ...waited.....waited.. Soon we realised the flood was reaching the top level of the hotel. It was nighttime already. And the rain was still pouring. We gotta get out fast!
My eyes darted around and i saw in a distant a small makeshift house up on the mountain. Oh well, there my whole "waving, shouting, sigalling , running" motion repeated itself. We ran, and ran and ran.. Finally, we reached, safe and sound. I turned my back and looked towards the flooding grounds which i had escaped from. Hmm, it was a funny sight. I see Raffles Hotel. And CK TANGS was floating pass it. Yes, horizontally. Followed by Raffles City .... haa!Then I woke up... Thank God. Told you it was tiring.
weiwei the laggard
juz when millions of pple in the world are getting tired of creating their 5th blogsite and blogging their millionth entry, laggard weiwei has decided to start her very first one! and even so, not by herself!