sAy cHeez...!
December has been a busy busy month... i almost tot my energy would be maxed out... thank God for Mr H.S. hur hur..13th to 15th - Breakaway Youth Camp 21st to 25th - Christmas!! 29th - Pixel Gala 07 Today's 31st Dec.. i can FINALLY take a breather... i need a Holiday! ( DT we must plan for a holiday no matter wat...) I've learnt to treasure every single moment of break..PIXEL GALA
Photo entries
Preparing for pixel Gala was no easy feat, esp when everyone was pretty much maxed out after christmas. Burdens of the retention of frens, turn out of the party, enthusiasm of the members and the running of the Gala was pretty much what went through our minds for the past 2 weeks.
Throughout the period of preparation, we made several changes and made numerous decisions... but thank God we were flexible ( and so was boss.. haa )
Pixel Gala came, and everything fell into its place. There were new friends who came and hopefully they enjoyed themselves. Some members rose up to the occasion to stand in the gap. All in all, i believe God's hand was in this party... No technical faults, photos were uploaded quickly, the rain stopped and theweather became clear just as the party started, all the food came in time... to God be the glory..
There are a few ppl i want to thank for making the Gala successful..
1) Xueli & Shihui - This is the first time you guys worked closely with us. Thank you for your humility to tahan our demanding standards. You guys availed yourself even in the midst of your busyness.
2) SK - Thank you for making sure the projectors, the screen, the Nintendo Wii were all in working condition. You can certainly captivate the crowd.
3) KengYip - Thank you for coming at 10am to practice non-stop. I knew your fingers were hurting like crazy because of the tough guitar strings, but you carried on.
4) Jie xiang - Thank you for coming early to help out. You availed yourself when we needed help ( altho carl's junior came out in the midst of worship, i still believe in you.. haa)
5) Yuxian, Peixin & Xueting - Thank you for being faithful enough to help get the food and utensils.
5) Peter - You've designed the flyers numerous times.. and never once have you complained. You carried the amp and the guitar all the way from Sembawang to The Petals. Thank you for being a humble and great leader!
6) DT - Little Miss Practical would keep the cost down, made sure the unnecessary chores were kept to the minimum.. Altho many a times i wanted to strangle her for always voicing her objections against my suggestions, but her objections were always too logical for me to reject.. grrr.. Thank you for digging another trench with me haa..
To God be the glory...
baLLoons & bAboons..
Cash Low, congratulations! On your successful business venture!!You've been awarded the "Santa Balloon Claus" award.. hur hurWell of cos...with pretty girls selling the balloons and tending the stall.. it's no wonder the business was soooo good!..*wink*Mr Low, Where's our share of the profit...
hAve yOurseLf a mErry mErry cHristMas~
A beautiful Christmas indeed...

Every Christmas brings about mixed feelings in me. Tiredness and lethargy coupled with great joy and tremendous peace. We've tried to organize a little party among the leaders, but as usual, it didn't happen. There were more impt things that required our utmost focus.
No party, no countdown.. but it was a fruitful X'mas!

A time to celebrate friendships...
A time to treasure those around you...
A time to catch up with old-friends...
And of cos..
A time to help Cash Low sell balloons... ha! Mr Low is Santa "Balloon" Claus!!

Finally after 12 years, the RGPS girls meet up again! We recalled how we used to "dun friend/friend" each other, how we would wash a fish tank together in school, how we would make our book stand so that our classmates couldn't copy during "TING XIE", how we were so jealous of GEP students , how annoyed we would get at HPPS boys...
It is truly a beautiful christmas...
iT's diVine...
*X'mas gathering with Pst* I met Pst!! I truly thank God for this privilege.Everytime i meet Pastor, he never fails to impact me.. his words, his thoughts, his gestures..As promised, Pst arranged a get-together for christmas, even despite his busy schedule. Half the time, Bernard and Kel Choo looked like they were abt to concuss any moment (cos of Christmas @ Chang's) , but Pst was as energetic as ever.Although he had wanted a more fellowshippy, relaxed kind of gathering, but poor Pst, he ended up talking most of the time.. haa . Guess we were still pretty tensed.. but who wouldn't haa..Pst asked us what we think would be the end game plan for CHC; why are we doing what we are doing as a church? Some replied cultural mandate, some said living above mediocrity while others said it was for the joy of God. But guess what was on the mind of Pst for this question? John 8:14 " ... for I know where i came from, and where I am going... "The purpose of CHC.... is to show a new concept of Christian living! The freedom and joy that Christ has come to fulfil.It's not about having an agenda in everything we do ( if we do this/that, will we get another soul saved??). Even if we can't get anyone saved, we must know God is still happy if we're living happily in Him. Rom14:17 " for the Kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit."i'm tremendously blessed. It has set me free.
hELL hAth No fury...
This is DT on any normal day... hur hur ..
This is DT when she's "cake sim"...( ugly)

RUN!!! ahhhhhhh!
tHe 2 Irritants..
Yup.. i had to spend 3 days 2 nights with "2 irritants"..... But of cos, these 2 irritants made my stay in the camp more memorable...
* the silly things we would do while waiting for the programmes to start .. hee*
*This was taken on the last day of the camp... we were both struggling to open our eyes... look at the eyeBAGS!!!*
Ah i just remember... i've got a "trump card" in my hand... a photo DT will never want me to post.. hee... see my mood la..
bRokeN aWay!
whoosh.... so fast and the camp is over!The games... the campfire.. the sessions.. the ushering.. the planning.. the lethargy... the smiles... the friendships... simply unforgettable
To Paladin (esp w378 & w398), it was great fun hanging ard you guys for the 3 days 2 nights!
Xueli & Peixin, thank you for standing in the gap. It has not been easy taking care of 20 ppl, but you've both stepped up in faith.
Adeline, thank you for taking care of the younger ones...
Charlotte, charmaine, yunjie & isabelle, this must have been the most "xiong" camp for you guys. But you've all survived it!
Bel, you were courageous, you've hurt yourself, but you've carried on..
Zack, you were the big brother to kelvin and Cindy's bro.. you were their hero..Jihui, you've undergone great discipleship from me since day one of the camp. But you were humble enough to change for the better
Joy, thank you for being a great fren to the cg members.
Cash Low, i salute you for your self-sacrificial spirit. This must have been your 3rd or 4th camp in the span of the 2 months, but you still took on responsibilities w/o complaining.To the leaders, thank you for the new friendships as well as the strengthening of existing ones.
I'm starting to miss the camp.. haa
This has indeed been a life-changing camp for all of us.
i'm now 24 years, 2 hours, 53mins and 31 seconds...and i like to believe that i'm still young haa.. "As a man thinks, so is he"I spent my 5th of Dec pretty much like any other days. It was raining the whole day. I met two clients, out of which one of them made me wait for 3 hours (but it was worth it since he agreed to invest) , went for Breakaway Youth camp meeting from 830pm till 1130pm and went Makansutra for supper with fun people whom i've never really hung out with.No surprises, no parties.. normal. But i'm contented and extremely blessed. I guess that as one ages, one starts to understand and appreciates the simple yet essential things in life. The greatest joy comes from the relationships and friendships you've been blessed with. Here are some reasons why 5th Dec 07 is a day worth remembering..
1) It was pouring the whole day! (i lurrrvve such weathers)
2) Received birthday sms wishes & calls from my long time friends ( esp those i would never expect them to remember)
3) Bumped into 2 old friends ( One of which is my JC friend, the other my beloved CGL Annie)
4) Formed stronger friendships through a simple supper
5) Family and friends who celebrated for me.
6) And of cos the pressies and the cards... ha
This was a gift from my beloved w398. Thank you all! I realised i really do like the colour of the pair of slippers. I thought i wouldn't like blue.. too girly.. but guess wat, i really am glad you guys chose this colour haa! Yay.. i finally have a pair of Havanas.

I lurveee this bag! The moment i've laid my eyes on it, i knew it'll be mine.. haa!! Thank you leaders! Another motivation to go to work.. a new working bag!! And it's Toscano.. whoooo...
DT, thanks for playing a BIG part in making my dream bag.. a reality haa.
And when are you starting the for me? "Welcome to my home. And this is my friend. Check out her matching shoes" haa!
ApRiL "FoO"L?
It's been quite some time since i blogged.. So here's an update of my super exciting life!25th Nov... In the sight of many witnesses, Janice was officially promoted to "Mrs Foo" . That's why we been suggesting to her our brilliant idea of changing her name to April...Hur Hur..It was a very beautiful day at Sentosa..grey clouds gathered, but God didn't allow the rain to fall...So touched by the ppl from our cell groups, who took the extra time out to grace the occasion. The weather was humid, it was after a long service, and yet you guys travelled all the way... You may not know Janice personally, but you guys have certainly brightened up the day with your presence. So proud of all of you!
The dinner that followed was good... Not so much of the food, but more of the fellowship .. Dessert : Double Boiled White Fungus with Hashima & Red Dates (cold)But DT was sOOOOOO excited about the desert.........! .
Looking at her THIRD bowl intently...
she cannot resist any further though the seams at her waist are bursting.
And the rest is self explanatory..

DT, you sure your ang pao money enough to cover for the food you've been consuming the entire night?... don't la.. don't la...