Singapore Grand Prix 2008

Fernando Alfonso!
hmm.. i wouldn't wanna know how humid the drivers were while wearing their helmet.. yee!

His winning formula!
According to px, Alfonso is the greatest, cos he won by driving a lousy car...

View from my home. Ya i live downtown.
There you go, my winning formula.. POK POK!

Catch us live at Toyko Grand Prix! Heee
At age 22, he failed in business.
At age 23, he ran for the state legislature and was defeated.
At age 24, he again failed in business.
At age 25, he was elected to state legislature.
At age 26, he experienced the death of his sweetheart.
At age 27, he had a nervous breakdown.
At age 29, he was defeated for the position of house speaker.
At age 31, he was defeated for the position of elector.
At age 34, he was defeated for Congress.
At age 37, he was elected to Congress.
At age 39, he was defeated for Congress.
At age 46, he was defeated for Senate.
At age 47, he was defeated for the Vice Presidency.
At age 49, he was again defeated for the Senate.
At age 51, he was elected President of the United States.
-That man was Abraham Lincoln-
"We conquer - not in any brilliant fashion - we conquer by continuing!"
Stop telling me how bad and tough things are, or how hopeless it seems. I dun need that.
All i ask is a little faith in me, and my vision.
I have faith in God, and in myself. Make it happen.
If my memory doesn't fail me, the last time i've been to Zouk was 5 years ago!!! Mimi's member got into SIM Uni pagent. So we went to support, and accompany Mimi, in hope that i will get my "turkey" .. hopefully.. Lotsa of people, lousy emcee-ing, Lucky draw that lasted almost forever.. The worst was none of us won anything.. bleh

~Ben and Jerry Van @ Dempsey~

For all B & J lovers, Dempsey has this
huge B & J ice cream parlour. Hee, this van has eyelashes.. Blink Blink.
Phelps' training regime
Running in the water with medicine ball
No wonder he won 8 gold medals..
Sheer hard work