I never knew i had wanted this opportunity so much until i gave it a shot. 2 open doors, but one was inevitably closed. Awaiting the reply from the other one. I really hope i can get it.Nonetheless, i will always tell Him (with A LOT of struggles) when i pray, " If it's not in Your will, pls do not give it to me." it's really tough to say this when you want the opportunity so bad..I'm beginning to understand what it really means by dying to self, living for Him..

YAy! I made it to the 1st Tattoo show @ EXPO!
It was a showcase of tattoo artistes all over the world, China, Malaysia, Indonesia, Canada, Germany, USA...

Saw several Tattoo artistes at work.. including some good looking ones hee..
And also some traditional tattoo-ing at work. This old man used only the iron rod to ink in the tattoo. Well the poor guy looked like he was in much pain.. but of cos, the slow tattoo-ing ensured the young fella had to endure the pain SLOWLY..

Note! He has a poster of himself! But then again, the real man doesn't look as "divine" as the poster portrayed him to be...
But my one day ticket pass of $18 was made worth while when i met my OU XIANG!!
He is one SOLID and COOL tattoo artist.

* Chris Garver is the 1st one from the right*

So cool.. hmmm =)
I'm sooooooo glad we've had our PINK RENDEZVOUS!!!
* except for the scary "monsters" that come out at night =S*
Tried to club, but ended up at a different kind of club instead... COFFEE CLUB!
Age is catching up la..
For more photos, take a look at DT's blog.
An outing to our all time favourite WEST COAST PARK! It was a cloudy day and sudden downpours forced us to look for a shelter THREE times!!!
Still it was fun =)
The brave ones who made it to the top!
And the "braver" ones who stayed on groundHee =)

Our prawning trip on the eve of Christmas!! This was located in the deep deep corners of Singapore at Punggol. Wonder why they were in such a secluded place, maybe the prawns need peace and calm. HA! But nonetheless, the place was blasting with techno music, not exactly the kind of music that will sooth your moods while u "patiently" wait for the prawns to get hooked.
-prawn farm-
After an hour of prawning, we only caught only one......!! =S Prawning really ain't my thing.
Not much of a catch, so no pictures were taken of that one prawn.
But still we made the best of the moment ha!