~20TH CHC Anniversary~
Yes yes.. i know what you are gonna say, that this is such a POST-DATED entry..bleh.. pai seh la, i was only able to get the photos out of my i(diotic) Phone recently. Ha..
Anyway, we turned 20!!(3 weeks ago) Well, I'm eternally thankful to God for CHC. It is where i first gave my heart to Christ, where i first experienced His presence, where i formed new friendships, where i first understood the importance of being excellent for Christ, where i first belonged to a cell group.. and the list never ends. So yes, i love CHC and am proud of her.
We've learnt that you see and meet ALL kinds of interesting people in church. And, like us, they appeared at indoor stadium 3 weeks ago..

$ing Dollar is really worth my sing dollar to watch! A local production with a strong cast and very singaporean humour. But of course, compared to big productions like Les Miserable, We will rock you and Phantom of the Opera, this production is relatively simpler and not as majestic. It was really hilarious. Can't wait for the Return of the Dim Sum dollies!
But it was really quite difficult to catch this show...
1) Initially we've bought the tickets for the 5th Aug 8pm show from the sistic outlet at Esplanade. Only when we started eating at Suntec City, that i realized i may have lessons (time-table wasnt out yet) on the evening of 5th Aug. After a call to sistic to seek help to change the date to 6th Aug, we had to walk back to Esplanade on the SAME day to change the tickets immediately.
2) Now we have our 6th Aug tickets. But alas, my time table showed that i do not need to attend lessons on 5th Aug, but my lesson on the 6th Aug ends at 730pm!!!! 30 mins to reach Esplanade from NTU!
3) So i had my lesson on 6th Aug. Seeing that it was a CIP kind of course, and that my Prof looks kindda friendly, i asked if i could leave earlier, at ard 715pm (so i can rush a cab down). She agreed, but could only leave after we've voted for the Pres, Vice-P and secretary for a community outreach project. So it was 7.05pm when we started voting. The P and VP was quicky selected, but the secretary position took FOREVER to decide... 7.20pm, i'm still in sch!! and the cab is already waiting at the lobby. 7.24pm, Finally someone decided to become the secretary, PTL! i can go now! So i RAN(really ran) to the cab... hopped on the cab, and in my breathless state, i explained i've a show to catch and uncle gotta hurry. Uncle shd really join F1, cos in 15 mins i reach riverwalk from NTu. haa!! Uncle WAN SUI!
7.55pm, i hopped off the cab at Esplanade( it was an expensive ride =S). Once again i RAN & RaN ( i was reminded of Forest Gump) to the entrance of the Audi. I'm in time. Thank God. Cannot imagine how devastated i would be if i was only allowed entry during the interval.
8.00pm show started. But i was really hungry, and my gastric pains started to arrive for the show too zz... All the running exhausted all the food i ate at 2pm.
Dinner for us started only at 11pm. i want to sleep and eat at the same time.
Lesson learnt: Watch musicals on weekends ONLY.