my Desires
Psalm 34:8 (New King James Version)"Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good; Blessed is the man who trusts in Him!"
Sometimes i'm gripped with fear.
Sometimes i feel weak.
Sometimes i'm struggling.
Sometimes i feel overwhelmed.
Sometimes i feel helpless.
But everytime... it is Him i trust... with all of my heart.
If My people pRay..
2 Chronicles 7:14 (New King James Version)"If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land."I was busy this weekend.. busy praying =)
1) 22nd Feb - Overnight prayer meeting from 11pm till 5am.2) 23rd Feb - Service prayer meeting at JW from 630pm till 8pm.3) 24th Feb - Service prayer meeting at Expo from 130pm till 3pm.Physically exhausting, but spiritually refreshing..!
"Get thee behind, S.A. Tan! In God all things are possible!"Taken at 5am. Victory shot!
Jie xiang, you win... lidat also can sleep..
Sun will be auditioning for the opportunity to sing in the Beijing Olympics 2008. I pray she will get it! Glory be to God...
There's so much to look forward to in this coming trip to Beijing! Olympics is happening, opportunities await for us to take Asia by storm, hopefully SUN will be singing... we're witnessing miracles happening in that land first hand!
i'm a mAgiciAn!
I've successfully performed magic!
Now you see Glad..

Now you DON'T!
I don't intend to make her re-appear ... hur hur hur!
Realised it has been some time since i blogged.. haa.. well here's an update of my exciting life!!
Nothing spectacular, but well you don't need the spectacular to enjoy your everyday, as long I'm walking with Him.. it's more than enough haa
I finally decided to upload the photos from my powDerful
N95.. and this is a long overdue picture ha!
On the 3rd Lunar Day of CNY, we decided to have our
Croaking Session at "10 dollar KTV". Although we wanted to
croak from 7pm all the way to 1am, we were only allowed to
croak till 10pm due to overwhelming frogs who wanted to
croak during the CNY season.... *Ribbit*
So... we adjourn to
Tian Tian Huo Guo for our steamboat at 11pm!
Note: Ade, Kimmy and Mimi were too full to smile.. they tried to hide from the cam.. doesn't work haa! my N95 is powDerful Oh pls, we ate like there was no tomorrow! We ate from 11pm to 1230am!! Several servings of Mutton, Beef.. neverending..
But, i spent the next day digesting... BURP.. =S
my abOde
John 15:5 (New King James Version)
“I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing."
a-bide [uh-bahyd]
1. to remain; continue; stay
2. to continue in a particular condition, attitude, relationship
3. to endure, sustain, or withstand without yielding or submitting
4. to wait for; await
Jesus ... my eternal abode.
Spot the "Similarity"!
It's time to "Spot the similarities"!
Case study Number 1:
My 6 yr old Bible vs The bark of a Gum TreeP/s: Hmm.. i would like to think that the condition of my bible was due to my "Passion" in "feeding" on the Holy Scriptures.. erm.. but more likely due to my "CHOR LOR -ness" in flipping the poor little book.
Case study Number 2:
My new hp pouch vs a Cross-eyed chameleonYay! I've got a new hp pouch!! All thanks to DT .. i think she couldn't stand the state of my worn-out Mphosis pouch too.. haa! Told you i'm "chor-lor". People go after Crocodile Skin, Cow's Hide... we go after the skin of a chameleon ha!!
Case study Number 3:
p/s: Similarity rating: 100% !!!!
Guess who???

tired & irritated DT
Oh my! DT, ppl actually draw a cartoon of you! Wat a priviledge!!